南京艺术学院2023年中国政府奖学金 “高水平研究生”项目申请办法 The Application Procedure for Nanjing University of the Arts for 2023 Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program



The Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program is a full-time, full scholarship program funded by the Chinese government for the enrollment of outstanding international students for graduate studies. Nanjing University of the Arts (NUA) hereby formulates the “Application Procedures of Nanjing University of the Arts for 2023 Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program” according to the requirements of relevant documents issued by the Ministry of Education. The details are as follows.



高水平研究生项目(请选择:Type B;学校代码:10331

I. Program Category

High Level Postgraduate Program (Please select: Type B; School Code: 10331)




II. Applicant Typesand Scholarship Duration

(A) Applicant Types


Applicants for Master's and Doctoral programs.


(B) Scholarship Duration



The duration of scholarship covers the time for Chinese language courses (preparatory courses) and professional study. For Chinese language courses (preparatory courses), it is generally one year, and for professional study, it is, in principle, the same as the basic years of study.



Please visit https://gjy.nua.edu.cn for the information of each major.




III. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

(A) Scholarship Coverage


The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses and comprehensive medical insurance fees.


(B) Scholarship Criteria

1. 免学费;

2. 免住宿费或发放住宿补贴;

3. 发放生活费

1. Tuition waiver;

2. Free accommodation orallowances for accommodation expenses.

3. Allowances for living expenses.



For master's programs: 3,000 RMB/month; for doctoral programs: 3,500 RMB/month


4. 综合医疗保险费:800元人民币//

4. Comprehensive medical insurance fees: 800 RMB/person/year



VI. Eligibility


(A) Be a citizen of any country other than the People's Republic of China, and be in good mental and physical health.


(B) Educational Background and Age Requirements 

1. 申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过35周岁;

1. Be an academically excellent holder of a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent, and under the age of 35 when applying for a Master's program;

2. 申请攻读博士学位者,应当具有硕士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过40周岁。

2. Be an academically excellent holder of a Master's degree or its equivalent, and under the age of 40 when applying for a doctoral program.


(C) Language Requirements


Applicants for Chinese-taught practical postgraduate programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 4) test; Applicants for Chinese-taught theoretical postgraduate programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 6) test; Applicants for Chinese-taught doctoral programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 6) test (the test scores obtained after October 1, 2020 are valid);



Applicants for English-taught programs shall meet any of the following conditions: 1) be exempted from the tests if they are native English speakers; 2) have attended an English-taught degree program in native English-speaking countries or regions and have obtained a degree (education certification) accredited by the Ministry of Education; 3) A score of 6.5 in IELTS (with no sub-score less than 6), or a score of 85 or above in TOEFL; 4) Other examination certifications that can reflect the applicants' English proficiency.



(D) Application deadline: January 31, 2023



V. Application Process

1. 申请人通过留学中国网站或我校国际教育学院网站查阅相关专业信息,确定申请专业;

1. Applicants visit the website of “Study in China” or the website of the School of International Education at the NUA to check the information relating to relevant majors, and then determine the major they would like to apply for.


2. 申请人联系我校获取相关录取材料;

2. Applicants proceed to contact NUA to obtain relevant admission documents.


3. 申请人联系我校获得推荐资格;

3. Applicants contact NUA to obtain the qualification of recommendation.


4. 申请人登录中国政府奖学金来华管理系统:(http://www.campuschina.org),在线填写《中国政府奖学金申请》并提交所需申请材料;

4. Applicants log in the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System at http://www.campuschina.org, fill in the Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form online, and submit the required application documents;


5. 我校向国家留学基金管理委员会提交推荐人选名单及申请材料;

5. NUA submits the list of recommended candidates and application documents to the China Scholarship Council;


6. 国家留学基金管理委员会组织有关院校和专家对推荐人选进行资格和学术审核,确定录取人选

6. The China Scholarship Council organizes relevant institutions and experts to examine and verify the qualification and academic performance of the recommended candidates and determine the candidates to be admitted.


7. 国家留学基金管理委员会通知我校录取结果,由我校通知申请人。

7. The China Scholarship Council notifies NUA of the final list of candidates, and NUA notifies the relevant applicants.




VI. Application Documents

1. 《中国政府奖学金申请表》(在线填写);

1. Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form (online);


2. 护照首页。申请人须提交有效期晚于20239月本人普通护照的首页清晰扫描件,如现持有护照有效期不符合要求,请及时换发新护照;

2. Passport Information Page. Each applicant shall submit a clear scanned copy of the information page of his/her passport (the expiration date of the passport shall not be on or before September 2023). If the validity of the current passport does not meet the requirement, please apply for a new passport in a timely manner;


3. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,需提交本人就读学校出具的预计毕业证明或在学证明;

3. Certificate of Highest Education (Notarized Copy). An applicant who is a current university student shall submit the Certificate of Expected Graduation or Student Status issued by his/her university.


4. 学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)。中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文;

4. Academic Transcripts (since the undergraduate stage): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.


5. 语言能力证明。申请以中文为专业教学语言的,攻读实践类硕士需HSK四级180分以上,理论类硕士需HSK六级180分以上,博士需HSK六级180分以上(2020101日之后成绩有效);申请以英语为专业教学语言的,需满足以下条件任一:1)母语为英语国家,免试;2)在母语为英语的国家或地区参加过英文授课学位项目并获得经国家教育部认证的学位(学历认证);3)雅思6.5分(小分6分以上),托福85分以上);4)其他可反映申请人英语水平的考试证明;

5. Language Qualification Certificates. Applicants for Chinese-taught practical postgraduate programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 4) test; Applicants for Chinese-taught theoretical postgraduate programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 6) test; Applicants for Chinese-taught doctoral programs shall have scored at least 180 points in the HSK (Level 6) test (the test scores obtained after October 1, 2020 are valid).

Applicants for English-taught programs shall meet any of the following conditions: 1) be exempted from the tests if they are native English speakers; 2) have attended an English-taught degree program in native English-speaking countries or regions and have obtained a degree (education certification) accredited by the Ministry of Education; 3) A score of 6.5 in IELTS (with no sub-score less than 6), or a score of 85 or above in TOEFL; 4) Other examination certifications that can reflect the applicants' English proficiency.


6. 预录取材料。申请攻读硕士学位,博士学位者应提供我校出具的预录取通知书;

6. Pre-Admission Documents. To apply for master’s and doctoral degree, applicants shall provide the Pre-Admission Notice issued by NUA.


7. 来华学习或研究计划。1000字以上,用中文或英文书写,博士研究生须由中方导师签字;

7. A Study Plan or Research Proposal in China. A minimum of 1,000 words in Chinese or English. The Study Plan or Research Proposal of applicants for doctoral programs shall be signed by their Chinese supervisor;


8. 推荐信。提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,仅限于用中文或英文书写;

8. Recommendation Letters. Applicants shall submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from two professors or associate professors;


9. 个人作品材料(参照招生简章要求);

9. Personal Work (Refer to the requirements of the admission brochure);


10. 年龄不满18周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件;

10. Applicants still under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.


11. 来华学习时间超过6个月的申请人,须提交《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存,此表格由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须英文填写)。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章,无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效,检查结果有效期为6个月;

11. Applicants planning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form is designed by the Chinese quarantine authority). The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or records without a sealed photograph of the applicants, the signature of the attending physician, or the official stamp of the hospital are invalid. The results of the physical examination are valid for only 6 months.


12. 无犯罪记录证明。申请人须提交由所在地公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前6个月以内的证明文件。

12. Certificate of Non-Criminal Record. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of Non-Criminal Record issued by the local public security authority, usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.



VII. Contact Information





电话:+86-25-83497877杨老师、夏老师; +86-25-83498293赵老师




School of International Education, Nanjing University of the Arts

ADDRESS: 74 West Beijing Road, Nanjing

ZIP CODE: 210013

EMAIL: nua_application@163.com

TEL: +86-25-83497877 Mr. YANG, Ms. XIA; +86-25-83498293 Ms. ZHAO

FAX: +86-25-83517520