作 者:Dona Kabula 罗兰 【本科】
国 籍:印度
Exploring the use of Indian embroidery (Aari) to depict stories and characters from Greek mythology, we are all capable of goodness and evil (Aphrodite vs Ares), and we go through our lives balancing between both. We face challenges that can affect our being, and change our outlook on life. When we live a tragedy, how it affects us depends on our spirit. We can continue our lives unchanged, with our eyes full of wonder and dreams (Morpheus), or we can become spiteful and cynical, not trusting of anyone, with eyes behind our backs (Medusa). •(Aphrodite) = goodness, naiveté, beauty. •(Ares) = evil, war. •(Morpheus) = big eyes full of wonder, God of dreams. •(Medusa) = spitefulness, distrust. 探索使用印度刺绣(Aari)来描绘希腊神话中的故事和人物。我们都有善良和邪恶的能力(Aphrodite vs Ares),我们的生活在两者之间保持平衡。我们面临的挑战可能会影响我们的存在,并改变我们的人生观。 当我们生活在悲剧中时,它对我们的影响取决于我们的精神。我们可以继续我们的生活,保持不变,眼睛里充满好奇和梦想(Morpheus),或者我们可以变得恶毒和愤世嫉俗,不信任任何人,眼睛在背后(Medusa)。 * Aphrodite = 善良、天真、美丽 * Ares = 邪恶,战争 *Morpheus = 充满惊奇的大眼睛,梦之神, * Medusa = 恶毒、不信任.